The Love Song of Sheriff Nat Bell
The Hardest Working Cat in Showbiz (2020)
directed by Sofia Bohdanowicz
rating: 4 out of 5 cravats
watched on Vimeo
directed by Sofia Bohdanowicz
rating: 4 out of 5 cravats
watched on Vimeo
"We name and love our pets as a protest against the anonymous extinction of countless forgotten animals. Does the legend of Orangey ultimately lead us back to the nothingness it was intended to keep at bay?"
A movie I regularly show my Intro to Film students because of the beautiful way it frames what movies do best: retain the transient gesture, expression, or face against forgetfulness, decay, and time. Additionally, it's a lovely tribute to Dan Sallitt's cat Jasper, who I never would be able to meet, of course, but take comfort in knowing is somewhere, and loved, in the world.
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