Winterfat and Fernbush at Skywalker Ranch
Fanboys (2008)
directed by Kyle Newman
rating: 2 out of 5 cravats
on DVD from Netflix
The spirit of Fanboys is true to its protagonists and won't let them participate in the cruder variety of cross country adventures that fictional twenty-somethings in a van so often get into. Namely, no bare breasts, and of course the prostitutes inevitably chanced upon in Nevada function as confidants to confessions of good-natured regret. The death of a friend remains a clear presence throughout the movie but neither spoils the gentle mood nor imparts too saccharine a message.
Or maybe the king of cameos, Danny McBride, is silly enough to temper an otherwise stark and underwritten Albuquerque room. K-Bell's lapdogs travel, presumably, all the way from Ohio to Northern California, but they leave too many breadcrumbs: that's Satellite Coffee (one of 9 locations!) and those are locust trees and privets off the road. The Phantom Menace debuts at the Hiland Theater, boarded most of the year, and there's a great Vietnamese restaurant just down Central and across the street that catches evening light off the mountains. Heck, even "old reliable" - the town square of New Mexico's little Las Vegas - tips its hand. They're not pains in my heart, they're happy reminders, and I'll take what I can get.
directed by Kyle Newman
rating: 2 out of 5 cravats
on DVD from Netflix
The spirit of Fanboys is true to its protagonists and won't let them participate in the cruder variety of cross country adventures that fictional twenty-somethings in a van so often get into. Namely, no bare breasts, and of course the prostitutes inevitably chanced upon in Nevada function as confidants to confessions of good-natured regret. The death of a friend remains a clear presence throughout the movie but neither spoils the gentle mood nor imparts too saccharine a message.
Or maybe the king of cameos, Danny McBride, is silly enough to temper an otherwise stark and underwritten Albuquerque room. K-Bell's lapdogs travel, presumably, all the way from Ohio to Northern California, but they leave too many breadcrumbs: that's Satellite Coffee (one of 9 locations!) and those are locust trees and privets off the road. The Phantom Menace debuts at the Hiland Theater, boarded most of the year, and there's a great Vietnamese restaurant just down Central and across the street that catches evening light off the mountains. Heck, even "old reliable" - the town square of New Mexico's little Las Vegas - tips its hand. They're not pains in my heart, they're happy reminders, and I'll take what I can get.
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