Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The Unstrung Harp

V for Vendetta (2005)
directed by James McTeigue
rating: 3 out of 5 cravats
on DVD from Netflix

Was anyone else surprised at being more than a little moved by this anomaly of a successful Alan Moore adaptation? Hugo Weaving was always my least favorite elf in the Middle Earth mob - his Elrond remains that trilogy’s hammiest, most self-conscious performance – but behind V’s mask, freed by the smug rigidity of his face, Weaving’s voice finds its most lustrous polish in service of altogether old-fashioned speechmaking. Neither is V for Vendetta my favorite book by Alan Moore, but more than just my low expectations were met (though never by Natalie Portman) in what amounted to a melancholy, if morally problematic, broadside from the good fight, never dull.