Headlights, Windshield, Rearview Mirror
They Live By Night (1948)
directed by Nicholas Ray
rating: 5 out of 5 cravats
on DVD from Netflix
If Nicholas Ray were divested of his helicopter and his supporting cast, he could still film the transformation of Cathy O'Donnell's face from a carapace of suspicion and rural fatigue to a "yes" full of promise for every kind question. Does she love him? Can they marry? Will she go away tonight? Farley Granger, the tennis handsome of Strangers on a Train, falls for her as convincingly as we do, and together they move through a country alive at the absence of peering, inconsiderate eyes. Any one of a half dozen twilight denizens the young lovers encounter could bleed off the screen and wait for your fitful slumber to come creeping; they hurry the couple like ghosts to some hidden glade or dale. Homegrown poetic realism for high ocean tides, cold nights, and a full January moon.

This boy... and this girl...
directed by Nicholas Ray
rating: 5 out of 5 cravats
on DVD from Netflix
If Nicholas Ray were divested of his helicopter and his supporting cast, he could still film the transformation of Cathy O'Donnell's face from a carapace of suspicion and rural fatigue to a "yes" full of promise for every kind question. Does she love him? Can they marry? Will she go away tonight? Farley Granger, the tennis handsome of Strangers on a Train, falls for her as convincingly as we do, and together they move through a country alive at the absence of peering, inconsiderate eyes. Any one of a half dozen twilight denizens the young lovers encounter could bleed off the screen and wait for your fitful slumber to come creeping; they hurry the couple like ghosts to some hidden glade or dale. Homegrown poetic realism for high ocean tides, cold nights, and a full January moon.

This boy... and this girl...
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