Let's Bore Nathan to Tears
Let's Scare Jessica to Death (1971)
directed by John D. Hancock
rating: 1 out of 5 cravats
on DVD from Netflix
What's worse than your parents' hippie dream coming up against the man? How about domestic melodrama? Kids earning their keep with a song on the farm? The harsh vibe from old-timers in town? For a film with so few fresh ideas, Jessica leaves a lot of loose ends. It isn't just vague - about ghosts, vampires, and zombies - but unfinished, as if old houses speak for themselves. They don't. You need a story above and beyond a Flashback Photo in the attic, three oblivious homeowners, and enough DDT for a bad high and a worse comedy. Less a horror film than a casualty of circumstances and time.
directed by John D. Hancock
rating: 1 out of 5 cravats
on DVD from Netflix
What's worse than your parents' hippie dream coming up against the man? How about domestic melodrama? Kids earning their keep with a song on the farm? The harsh vibe from old-timers in town? For a film with so few fresh ideas, Jessica leaves a lot of loose ends. It isn't just vague - about ghosts, vampires, and zombies - but unfinished, as if old houses speak for themselves. They don't. You need a story above and beyond a Flashback Photo in the attic, three oblivious homeowners, and enough DDT for a bad high and a worse comedy. Less a horror film than a casualty of circumstances and time.
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