My Mistake, Elizabeth
I'm Not There (2007)
directed by Todd Haynes
rating: 1 out of 5 cravats
seen on the screen at the Manor Theatre
All you need to refute I'm Not There is Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid.

But here are some other reasons to wonder at everyone who disagrees:
1. Cate Blanchett's performance is all mouth and fingers.
2. Is the monk lighting himself on fire really the skeleton key Bob's personality needs? No? Todd, what was it like to see Vietnam on TV?
3. Caught cheating at the party is the standard biopic in the face of a "far richer and more multifaceted experience than any standard biopic."
4. I can't believe AO Scott actually quotes the "live in your own time" line from the matronly black woman who feeds young Woody Guthrie - what else? - fried fish and fresh greens. I'm pretty sure "child" was in there, too. Was that before or after Woody sat picking his guitar with the two grinning black men?
5. David Cross shouting at a crucifix? Can't Will Arnett be a Dylan, too?
Take your pick, there are hundreds more. Julianne Moore was pretty funny, though.
directed by Todd Haynes
rating: 1 out of 5 cravats
seen on the screen at the Manor Theatre
All you need to refute I'm Not There is Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid.

But here are some other reasons to wonder at everyone who disagrees:
1. Cate Blanchett's performance is all mouth and fingers.
2. Is the monk lighting himself on fire really the skeleton key Bob's personality needs? No? Todd, what was it like to see Vietnam on TV?
3. Caught cheating at the party is the standard biopic in the face of a "far richer and more multifaceted experience than any standard biopic."
4. I can't believe AO Scott actually quotes the "live in your own time" line from the matronly black woman who feeds young Woody Guthrie - what else? - fried fish and fresh greens. I'm pretty sure "child" was in there, too. Was that before or after Woody sat picking his guitar with the two grinning black men?
5. David Cross shouting at a crucifix? Can't Will Arnett be a Dylan, too?
Take your pick, there are hundreds more. Julianne Moore was pretty funny, though.
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