Spare Me, Manohla
Zodiac (2007)
directed by David Fincher
rating: 2 out of 5 cravats
seen on the screen at the worst theater in Mississippi
Fiction makes the mundane interesting. So if you want to make a movie about an unsolved serial murder spree, and not make it strictly about obsession, and you don't want to jump to any sensational conclusions, or judge any of your characters for the choices they made, or even explain the details of the case that well, then you make a big movie like "Zodiac," where good actors move through well-lit minutiae (especially well-lit when the theater leaves the lights on!) and nothing very interesting happens except for one or two deftly edited murder sequences. It's everything The Black Dahlia isn't, but that isn't to Fincher's credit.
directed by David Fincher
rating: 2 out of 5 cravats
seen on the screen at the worst theater in Mississippi
Fiction makes the mundane interesting. So if you want to make a movie about an unsolved serial murder spree, and not make it strictly about obsession, and you don't want to jump to any sensational conclusions, or judge any of your characters for the choices they made, or even explain the details of the case that well, then you make a big movie like "Zodiac," where good actors move through well-lit minutiae (especially well-lit when the theater leaves the lights on!) and nothing very interesting happens except for one or two deftly edited murder sequences. It's everything The Black Dahlia isn't, but that isn't to Fincher's credit.
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