Water-Cooled Sub-Machine Guns
Wild at Heart (1990)
directed by David Lynch
rating: 4 out of 5 cravats
on DVD from JL
In the end, "Wild at Heart" isn't quite Lynch because it isn't his strange world you "can't go into" otherwise. Instead it's a road "that seemed so real in the book." Unlike Lost Highway, Gifford didn't just help with the screenplay; he's the source. Someone else's book, someone else's movie, however funny, furious, and fair.
directed by David Lynch
rating: 4 out of 5 cravats
on DVD from JL
In the end, "Wild at Heart" isn't quite Lynch because it isn't his strange world you "can't go into" otherwise. Instead it's a road "that seemed so real in the book." Unlike Lost Highway, Gifford didn't just help with the screenplay; he's the source. Someone else's book, someone else's movie, however funny, furious, and fair.
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