Movie Review - They Live
They Live (1988)
directed by John Carpenter
rating: 2 out of 5 cravats
on DVD from Black Lodge Video
Less an indictment of the Reagan era than Carpenter's thinly disguised frustration at his own growing irrelevance (and, presumably, accompanying decline in material comforts), "They Live" is also funny enough to make the unintentional nature of that humor relevant to both the strangeness of "Rowdy" Roddy Piper's starring performance and the inescapable dismay of digressions stretched much too thin over an hour and a half that ends with a stalwart middle finger but no real plot in sight.
directed by John Carpenter
rating: 2 out of 5 cravats
on DVD from Black Lodge Video
Less an indictment of the Reagan era than Carpenter's thinly disguised frustration at his own growing irrelevance (and, presumably, accompanying decline in material comforts), "They Live" is also funny enough to make the unintentional nature of that humor relevant to both the strangeness of "Rowdy" Roddy Piper's starring performance and the inescapable dismay of digressions stretched much too thin over an hour and a half that ends with a stalwart middle finger but no real plot in sight.
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