Movie Review - The Fallen Idol
The Fallen Idol (1948)
directed by Carol Reed
rating: 2 out of 5 cravats
on DVD at JL's
All of the tension from The Third Man is here, and all of the same technical polish. So what's the difference? "The Fallen Idol" is about a kid but doesn't say much about childhood, except that kids get confused when adults ask them to lie. And "The Third Man" is about, well, everything worth getting behind a camera for. But certainly not about being a kid.
directed by Carol Reed
rating: 2 out of 5 cravats
on DVD at JL's
All of the tension from The Third Man is here, and all of the same technical polish. So what's the difference? "The Fallen Idol" is about a kid but doesn't say much about childhood, except that kids get confused when adults ask them to lie. And "The Third Man" is about, well, everything worth getting behind a camera for. But certainly not about being a kid.
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