Movie Review - Starman
Starman (1984)
directed by John Carpenter
rating: 3 out of 5 cravats
on DVD from Netflix
I might describe this one as a "guilty pleasure" if I actually thought I would watch it again, but the best Carpenter moment finds Karen Allen hanging up the telephone in a roadside diner and telling the men at the counter she needs a ride from someone not afraid to drive fast. Goofy guy in a blue gimme cap leaps up and off they go in a zippy roadster. It's the kind of gesture you'd like to make yourself and could never imagine a guy like Starman really comprehending.
directed by John Carpenter
rating: 3 out of 5 cravats
on DVD from Netflix
I might describe this one as a "guilty pleasure" if I actually thought I would watch it again, but the best Carpenter moment finds Karen Allen hanging up the telephone in a roadside diner and telling the men at the counter she needs a ride from someone not afraid to drive fast. Goofy guy in a blue gimme cap leaps up and off they go in a zippy roadster. It's the kind of gesture you'd like to make yourself and could never imagine a guy like Starman really comprehending.
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