Movie Review - "The Hand"
from Eros (2004)
directed by Kar Wai Wong
rating: 4 out of 5 cravats
on DVD from Netflix
You only have to watch the first half-minute of Steven Soderbergh's "Equilibrium" (the segment immediately after "The Hand") to know that nothing else in "Eros" is going to top Wong. The short isn't "more of the same" just because it takes place in 1960s Hong Kong; on the contrary, it advances Wong's obsessions by making them brutely physical. A tailor's the bridge - the only character who can get closer to the cheongsams and beautiful actresses than either director or audience.
Right up there with Rushmore in the pantheon of great handjob references.
directed by Kar Wai Wong
rating: 4 out of 5 cravats
on DVD from Netflix
You only have to watch the first half-minute of Steven Soderbergh's "Equilibrium" (the segment immediately after "The Hand") to know that nothing else in "Eros" is going to top Wong. The short isn't "more of the same" just because it takes place in 1960s Hong Kong; on the contrary, it advances Wong's obsessions by making them brutely physical. A tailor's the bridge - the only character who can get closer to the cheongsams and beautiful actresses than either director or audience.
Right up there with Rushmore in the pantheon of great handjob references.
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