Movie Review - Duck Season
Temporada de patos (2004)
directed by Fernando Eimbcke
rating: 3 out of 5 cravats
on DVD from Netflix
In some ways Eimbcke is even more innocent than his characters - aping a mention of the Beatles by framing the shot like an album cover - and too much professional naïvety can be embarrassing. But no movie I've seen about teenagers has featured video games so prominently or so positively - as such a fine end for a Sunday - and so few films today portray experimentation as what it is - a soft education in the grown-up world, often earned with as little permanent consequence as the duration of a high or a temporary crush.
directed by Fernando Eimbcke
rating: 3 out of 5 cravats
on DVD from Netflix
In some ways Eimbcke is even more innocent than his characters - aping a mention of the Beatles by framing the shot like an album cover - and too much professional naïvety can be embarrassing. But no movie I've seen about teenagers has featured video games so prominently or so positively - as such a fine end for a Sunday - and so few films today portray experimentation as what it is - a soft education in the grown-up world, often earned with as little permanent consequence as the duration of a high or a temporary crush.
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