Movie Review - The Saragossa Manuscript
Rekopis znaleziony w Saragossie (1965)
directed by Wojciech Has
rating: 4 out of 5 cravats
on DVD from Netflix
All these stories within stories conclude at the gallows, where turbanned bandits twist and cackle in the high Spanish wind. But what's strange and unnerving - the haunts and evil spirits, wine from the skull, Satanic pacts - only emphasizes how all of it - the fear, duels to the death, pretty women - is the great privilege of being alive.
directed by Wojciech Has
rating: 4 out of 5 cravats
on DVD from Netflix
All these stories within stories conclude at the gallows, where turbanned bandits twist and cackle in the high Spanish wind. But what's strange and unnerving - the haunts and evil spirits, wine from the skull, Satanic pacts - only emphasizes how all of it - the fear, duels to the death, pretty women - is the great privilege of being alive.
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