Movie Review - A Real Young Girl
Une vraie jeune fille (1976)
directed by Catherine Breillat
rating: 2 out of 5 cravats
on DVD from Netflix
For a movie about the awkward strangeness of female adolescence - or male culture's exploitation of it, either way - I don't think my uncomfortable reaction - plenty of sharp, vocal intakes - to a very physical, very naked anti-Virgin Suicides was inappropriate. But Breillat can be ugly, too, in a way that makes her cruel and makes me not like her much at all.
directed by Catherine Breillat
rating: 2 out of 5 cravats
on DVD from Netflix
For a movie about the awkward strangeness of female adolescence - or male culture's exploitation of it, either way - I don't think my uncomfortable reaction - plenty of sharp, vocal intakes - to a very physical, very naked anti-Virgin Suicides was inappropriate. But Breillat can be ugly, too, in a way that makes her cruel and makes me not like her much at all.
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