Movie Review - The World
Shijie (2004)
directed by Zhang Ke Jia
rating: 1 out of 5 cravats
on DVD from Netflix
If you thought the Fruity Oaty Bars jingle was the high point of Serenity, or enjoyed "Bear is driving!" from the animated Clerks TV show, or, heck, even if you watch "South Park," you'll really hate the animated chapter breaks in "The World." Proof positive that Jonathan Rosenbaum is most often, these days, a bastard.
directed by Zhang Ke Jia
rating: 1 out of 5 cravats
on DVD from Netflix
If you thought the Fruity Oaty Bars jingle was the high point of Serenity, or enjoyed "Bear is driving!" from the animated Clerks TV show, or, heck, even if you watch "South Park," you'll really hate the animated chapter breaks in "The World." Proof positive that Jonathan Rosenbaum is most often, these days, a bastard.
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