Movie Review - Why We Fight
Why We Fight (2005)
directed by Eugene Jarecki
rating: 1 out of 5 cravats
on DVD from Netflix
My capacity for disgust at the Bush administration climaxed years ago, and revisiting how different the world might be without his ilk makes me, frankly, too sad. "Why We Fight" is narrow-minded and, worse, condescending to the American populace it proclaims to fight for. I for one refuse to believe in the impossibility of real and valid change in this country; for Jarecki we might as well be the Roman Empire, our lesson learned too late to save us. That's nothing worth saying at all.
directed by Eugene Jarecki
rating: 1 out of 5 cravats
on DVD from Netflix
My capacity for disgust at the Bush administration climaxed years ago, and revisiting how different the world might be without his ilk makes me, frankly, too sad. "Why We Fight" is narrow-minded and, worse, condescending to the American populace it proclaims to fight for. I for one refuse to believe in the impossibility of real and valid change in this country; for Jarecki we might as well be the Roman Empire, our lesson learned too late to save us. That's nothing worth saying at all.
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