Movie Review - Firefly Unzipped
Firefly Unzipped (2006)
directed by Andy Davidson
rating: 5 out of 5 cravats
on DVD in the screening room
I don't know if it says more about the movies or my friend when he makes a fifty-minute, stop-motion, green-screen comedy from scratch - infinintely more worthwhile than Serenity - and my favorite thing is his voice work. It's the voices - mercenary, mechanic, throne-room lesbian - that make it look easy.
directed by Andy Davidson
rating: 5 out of 5 cravats
on DVD in the screening room
I don't know if it says more about the movies or my friend when he makes a fifty-minute, stop-motion, green-screen comedy from scratch - infinintely more worthwhile than Serenity - and my favorite thing is his voice work. It's the voices - mercenary, mechanic, throne-room lesbian - that make it look easy.
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