Movie Review - Girl Slaves of Morgana Le Fay
Morgane et ses nymphes (1971)
directed by Bruno Gantillon
rating: 3 out of 5 jalapeƱos
on DVD from Netflix
My closest point of comparison is, inevitably, The Wicker Man. Same skin show, same unlikely satisfaction. For each male, a naked woman. Instead of superstition, magic. And enchanted, eerie Auvergne as stand-in for coastal Britain. The title alone makes it seem like a guiltier pleasure, but - why not - pick of the week.
directed by Bruno Gantillon
rating: 3 out of 5 jalapeƱos
on DVD from Netflix
My closest point of comparison is, inevitably, The Wicker Man. Same skin show, same unlikely satisfaction. For each male, a naked woman. Instead of superstition, magic. And enchanted, eerie Auvergne as stand-in for coastal Britain. The title alone makes it seem like a guiltier pleasure, but - why not - pick of the week.
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