Movie Review - Carmen Jones
Carmen Jones (1954)
directed by Otto Preminger
rating: 2 out of 5 jalapeƱos
on DVD from Netflix
From Richard Linklater's Netflix queue (you'll have to take my word for it) to mine. I guess Rick and I can agree on operatic melodrama when it's this, but not, apparently, when it's "Carmen Jones." Because nothing ages worse than dat ol' Hammerstein patois.
directed by Otto Preminger
rating: 2 out of 5 jalapeƱos
on DVD from Netflix
From Richard Linklater's Netflix queue (you'll have to take my word for it) to mine. I guess Rick and I can agree on operatic melodrama when it's this, but not, apparently, when it's "Carmen Jones." Because nothing ages worse than dat ol' Hammerstein patois.
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