Movie Review - Blue Velvet
Blue Velvet (1986)
directed by David Lynch
rating: 4 out of 5 jalapeƱos
on DVD at Andy's
I learned in Twin Peaks that Lynch is a writer and director with an enormous capacity for goodness in his characters. So the toy robin at the end of "Blue Velvet" isn't just a refutation of (or warning to) the warmth that Jeffrey and Sandy - post-Frank, post-Dorothy - seem able to return to.
Lynch takes Sandy seriously when she relates her bird-dreams of love. He doesn't shy from Frank's perversity, or Jeffrey's complicit involvement, but if the movie's opening montage - the rot at the heart of things - were Lynch's whole point, "Blue Velvet" simply wouldn't be as satisfying (as enjoyable, as funny, as romantic) as it is.
directed by David Lynch
rating: 4 out of 5 jalapeƱos
on DVD at Andy's
I learned in Twin Peaks that Lynch is a writer and director with an enormous capacity for goodness in his characters. So the toy robin at the end of "Blue Velvet" isn't just a refutation of (or warning to) the warmth that Jeffrey and Sandy - post-Frank, post-Dorothy - seem able to return to.
Lynch takes Sandy seriously when she relates her bird-dreams of love. He doesn't shy from Frank's perversity, or Jeffrey's complicit involvement, but if the movie's opening montage - the rot at the heart of things - were Lynch's whole point, "Blue Velvet" simply wouldn't be as satisfying (as enjoyable, as funny, as romantic) as it is.
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